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About Auglaize SWCD

What is SWCD


Every County in Ohio has a Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), which is a political subdivision of the State.  In response to conservation concerns raised as a result of the 1930's dustbowl, SWCD's were formed in the late 1940's to complement a federal government agency (now titled the Natural Resources Conservation Service).  Both local and federal agencies worked together to encourage farmers and landowners to employ practices on the land for the conservation of soil and water resources.  Today SWCD's share the common goal of  conservation of natural resources on urban and rural lands.

The Auglaize SWCD receives the majority of its funding from the Auglaize County Commissioners and The Ohio General Assembly.  All local government grants are matched by the state of Ohio nearly dollar to dollar to support SWCD operations, conservation programs, and resource management initiatives.  Additionally, we work closely with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and ODA Division of Soil and Water Resources. With these resources the Auglaize  SWCD is a vehicle for bringing local governments and residents together to address natural resource conservation challenges in urban and rural settings.

Related Agencies
Board of Supervisors


Lou Brown - Chairman

Debbie Brown - Vice Chairman

Lee Turner - Treasurer

Denver Davis - Fiscal Agent

Sandy Zwiebel - Secretary


Christine Davis - SWCD -District Program Administrator

Doug Schmerge - SWCD - District Technician 3

 Dan Braden - SWCD - Design Engineer

Shawn Rose - SWCD - District Technician 2

Molly Hamp - SWCD - Special Programs Technician


Jenelle Ott- NRCS -District Conservationist

Brad Steinke - NRCS - Natural Resource Specialist



Matt Gardner - Pheasants Forever Wildlife Biologist


(to email staff, please click on their name)


If you are interested in possible employment with Auglaize SWCD, click here to download a job application, for vacancy information click here.  To print a job description click here. Please also include resume with cover letter.

  ~~ Thank you

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