Auglaize Soil and Water
Conservation District


We will be charging Sales Tax of 7.25%
We will be accepting tax exemption forms - if applicable
Click here for Fishing regulations
The fish offered are intended for stocking ponds and lakes: with the minimum pond size suggested for stocking at 1/4 acre with a minimum depth of 8 feet. The following are suggested stocking rates per acre for a new or un-stocked pond, These rates apply to surface area and should be adjusted to fit your pond/lake site.
Largemouth Bass 100, Bluegill 500, Yellow Perch 100, Channel Catfish 200, White Amur 10 and Minnows 1,000
Other fish available are Hibryd Bluegill, Redear Shellcracker and Black Crappie
The District gets the fish from Remlinger Fish Farm. The fish are delivered to our office in cardboard boxes, contained in a sealed bag with oxygen, fish must be put in the pond/lake within two hours of pick up. All fish are sold by the box.